Green certificates are one of the sources of income generated by your photovoltaic installation.

When you produce solar-generated electricity, you generate securities called '
green certificates'. These securities can then be resold to various players. These players include energy suppliers, who are obliged to purchase a certain number of green certificates each year.
An analogy would be a
stock market share, because the
green certificate is saleable but can vary in value according to the prevailing market price.
It's also important to understand that the green certificate doesn't take away from your electricity production. So it's still true that :
You consume your own electricity, reducing your dependence on the grid.
You can resell your surplus energy to suppliers (Total Energie, Luminus, etc.).
For private customers,
only the Brussels region still grants green certificates for new installations, for a
period of 10 years from the date of commissioning. A downward revision of the scheme comes into force on January 1, 2021, and will see the introduction of facility categories (based on size) with a different regime depending on the category. After 01/01/2021, the scheme will be slightly less attractive, but will still make your installation very profitable.
We've written a much more detailed article with the latest news on green certificates in 2023 and 2024. There was a balancing act. We invite you to read it without moderation!
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