Home > News > Green certificates will (perhaps) disappear in Brussels in 2024

Green certificates will (perhaps) disappear in Brussels in 2024

Last month, the Brussels energy regulator(Brugel) proposed an overhaul of the support system for solar installations in the Brussels-Capital Region. The current system, based on green certificates and unique in Brussels, could be partially modified due to its complexity and the imbalance between supply and demand on the market. But don't panic, the subsidies won't disappear completely, as solar power remains our best option for generating renewable electricity in the capital. As a solar panel installer, we'll explain what these changes could mean for you, and why now is a good time to consider solar panel installation.


Why the change now?

The green certificate system, although effective, has become too complicated for private individuals. There used to be many suppliers and attractive prices. Today, there are more or less only 3 main suppliers, creating an imbalance where supply far exceeds demand. This keeps prices low and makes the market less functional.

But don't worry, the subsidies won't disappear completely. Solar power is the main renewable energy source for generating electricity in the capital, and the new the new proposals aim to make it even more accessible, especially for private customers!

A direct investment bonus!

For individuals financing their own installations, the reform proposes replacing green certificates with an investment premium. It's a simpler, more direct approach. For companies and large investors, who account for around half of all installations and two-thirds of installed capacity, green certificates would be maintained, but with adjustments: they would be automatically bought back at a fixed price. This would simplify the current market and guarantee automatic remuneration for both companies and individuals.

Despite falling prices for photovoltaic systems, support remains crucial in the city. The Belgian capital doesn't have many other sources of renewable energy, and installation costs are higher in urban areas due to the constraints of space and building structure. A support mechanism is therefore essential to continue encouraging the adoption of solar energy.

Brussels condominiums have large unused areas...

Brussels is also exploring energy pooling and energy sharing initiatives. These programs aim to encourage local communities to become actively involved in the production and consumption of renewable energy.

In our experience as a solar panel installer in Brussels, many condominiums are showing a keen interest in adopting this green technology. However, the main challenge often lies in governance between the parties and management of the collective investment. By facilitating a model of energy cooperation, these initiatives can not only reduce installation and operating costs, but also strengthen local energy resilience. With the support of the regional authorities and appropriate incentives, these projects could play a crucial role in the expansion of solar energy in Brussels, overcoming historical obstacles linked to financing and condominium governance.

Here are the aids proposed by Brussels Environment:

With these reforms on the horizon, it's the perfect time to take action!

Suppliers' and intermediaries' profit margins trimmed

With the proposed reform, the future profit margin of suppliers and intermediaries could be further restricted. This represents a significant change in the sector's economic dynamics, but could also simplify the process for solar plant owners by ensuring more predictable and stable remuneration for their green electricity production.

For existing installations, Brugel offers an automatic switchover to the new system after a defined period.

Soltis is paying close attention to the proposed reforms concerning green certificates. The possible reduction in profits for suppliers and intermediaries could indirectly impact our customers by influencing the feed-in tariffs for solar-generated electricity, or even the price of the installation to influence our customers' purchasing behavior. Although this could potentially lead to lower purchase prices, the increased predictability of income thanks to a fixed price for green certificates could simplify the process for solar plant owners.

Don't let current opportunities slip away...

We continue to monitor these developments closely to adapt our services and offers, in order to guarantee the best possible benefits for our customers in the evolving context of the Brussels renewable energy market.

By investing in photovoltaic systems now, you can benefit from current support and contribute to a more sustainable energy future.

Contact us today to get started on your solar project and take advantage of the benefits available before changes reduce current incentives.

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