As a professional customer, Soltis can help you implement sustainable, cost-effective solutions with a single goal in mind: to improve your building's energy efficiency. Installing photovoltaic panels enables you to produce your own green energy and reduce your energy dependency. This reduces your exposure to energy price fluctuations.

The profitability of your installation depends on 3 sources of income:

- Savings on your electricity bill
- Resale of surplus electricity fed back into the grid
- Resale of green certificates

Soltis positions itself as a partner who will work with you to analyze your needs and requirements and develop turnkey solutions tailored to your organization.

*Green certificate sales mechanisms may differ from region to region. Contact us for more information.

Your benefits

  1. 01.rapid return on investment
  2. on your electricity bill
  3. 02.concrete participation in the energy transition
  4. 05.longevity and reliability of your system
  5. 03.improve your image
Not a companie ?
  • I am an individual
Our services
  • Carport Sunshade
  • Heat Pumps
  • Battery
  • Third-party investment
  • Why do we have to install dual-flow meters?
    In Belgium, the issue of dual-flow meters, also known as smart meters, has been the subject of debate and gradual implementation. Here are some of the reasons why the installation of dual-flow meters has been encouraged or implemented in Belgium:
    1. Promoting renewable energies: Belgium, like many other European countries, is encouraging the transition to renewable energies. Dual-flow meters measure the production of electricity from renewable sources such as solar power, helping to support and integrate these sources into the grid.
    2. Consumption management: Dual-flow meters offer greater visibility of how electricity is consumed and generated. This enables authorities to better understand consumption patterns and implement policies to reduce demand at peak times.
    3. Encouraging self-consumption: The installation of dual-flow meters promotes self-consumption, encouraging consumers to use the electricity they produce locally. This may be particularly relevant for households equipped with solar panels.
    4. Advantageous pricing: Certain pricing mechanisms, such as compensation for energy produced and fed into the grid, are easier to implement with dual-flow meters. This can encourage more people to invest in renewable energy installations.
    5. Modernizing the electricity grid: dual-flow meters are an integral part of initiatives to modernize the electricity grid in Belgium. They enable more efficient network management, rapid fault detection and better adaptation to emerging technologies.
    6. Social justice : An argument that is often overlooked, non-owners of solar panels have to contribute more to improving the Walloon electricity grid than owners of solar panels if there is no dual-flow meter. If we don't take into account the actual use of the network thanks to these new meters! Indeed, there is now a prosumer royalty for economic equity.
    It should be noted that the installation of dual-flow meters in Belgium has not been without controversy, and concerns have been raised about privacy, data security and other issues related to smart meter technology. Nevertheless, these meters continue to be deployed as part of efforts to make the Belgian energy system smarter, more sustainable and, above all, fairer to other grid users who have to pay for improvements to the overall power grid even though they don't have solar panels...  
  • Is it worthwhile installing solar thermal panels?
    Yes, installing thermal panels to heat water is always a good idea, because hot water is an energy-intensive resource. If you heat water with gas, you save gas, and if you use electricity, you save electricity. However, thermal panels are positioned differently from photovoltaic panels. They are further inclined and south-facing to maximize heat production, especially during cooler periods. The argument against thermal panels lies in the fact that the current cost of gas is relatively low, which limits the savings made, given that the saving is on an inexpensive resource. What's more, the heat produced cannot be stored as easily as electricity. In terms of energy investment, thermal panels are beneficial, but their economic return can be less attractive. Although financial incentives are available, maintenance of thermal panels is more complex due to pipes containing fluids that require periodic purging. In comparison, photovoltaic panels are simpler, with maintenance limited to the electrical cables. Once installed, photovoltaic panels have a lifespan of around 25 years, with little maintenance required. Rain generally cleans the panels, and the main maintenance consists of replacing the inverter after 10 to 15 years. On less sloping flat roofs, cleaning may be necessary every 3 to 5 years.
See our achievements


Keep control of your system at all times with your mobile monitoring application.

  • Track your production in real time
  • Get a global view of your production over the entire life of your plant
  • A production problem? Check your inverter's status information and detect if a problem exists

Your inverter is more than just an electronic component, it's the brain of your installation. It pilots your photovoltaic panels in real time to produce maximum energy at all times. Thanks to your mobile app (delivered free of charge with your system), you can keep track of your system's production at all times.


Your installation is built to last. It is both necessary and useful to control a range of parameters to guarantee optimum production at all times. By opting for this solution, you optimize the income generated and guarantee the security of your assets.

During these visits, we carry out a visual inspection of your plant. Various control points are also checked to prevent and, if necessary, correct certain anomalies. You'll receive a full, detailed report detailing the points of our intervention, so you can enjoy the peace of mind of knowing that your installation is in perfect condition.

List of points inspected :

A. Visual inspection of the photovoltaic system and visible power lines for potential problems such as open connections, damaged cables, burnt areas or heat marks, loose cable connectors, etc.

B. Check the strength of the mounting structures and look for any damage.

C. Measure the voltage of each module string.

D. Check terminals in the decoupling cabinet for tightness.

E. Cleaning inverter ventilation filters.

F. Maintain inverters according to manufacturer's instructions.

G. Check fuses and surge protectors.

H. Check load-bearing surface.

I. Check modules for soiling.

J. Remove leaves and other garbage from the roof to avoid standing water.

10 reasons to choose Soltis

  • + More than 15 years' experience
  • Already 6,500 projects completed, as many satisfied customers
  • A unique partner in energy efficiency (Photovoltaics, Insulation, LEDs, Electrical terminals)
  • A Belgian SME on a human scale, with personal contact from A to Z
  • Tailor-made identification of your needs by our experts, free of charge and without obligation
  • Customized solutions for large companies, SMEs, the public and non-profit sectors, and farms
  • 10-year warranty on the watertightness of your roof following panel installation
  • Expertise in selecting the best technical solutions
  • Complete management of administrative procedures
  • A third-party investment system, without you having to use your own financialresources

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quote tailored to your project

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other services

services for Companies

Carport Sunshade

Heat Pumps


Integrate your production with your consumption

Third-party investment

Electric charging.stations

LED lighting

Insulating your buildings